Corporate Social Responsibility
PSMAS has long considered responsible management an intrinsic corporate value. We consider it a constant priority essential to our long-term profitability and value creation. We strive to create sustainable CSR initiatives through:
- Implementation of sustainable social investments
- Structuring and implementing social investments
- Creating brand equity using social investments.
- Identifying worthwhile social investments and measuring their impact
- Protecting the climate and environment using social investments
- Empowering communities using social investments
The Society has a deeply rooted tradition of acting in a responsible and ethical manner, and of being actively and positively present in the communities where it is established. This Corporate Social Responsibility Statement (the CSR Statement) reflects the core values that have guided, and continue to guide, PSMAS. Its objective is to provide guidance to the Society, facilitating the consideration of potential corporate social responsibility issues when investments are made.
In addition to complying with applicable laws and regulations and meeting ethical standards in accordance with its Code of Conduct, PSMAS strives to:
- Incorporate environmental, social and governance issues into its investment analysis process and active ownership approach.
- Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
- Minimize our environmental impact with a focus on continuous improvement; and
- Make a positive contribution in the communities where the Society is established.
- Undertake strategic corporate social responsibility activities that are sustainable, have social impact and create positive brand equity.
PSMAS reviews the implementation of this CSR Statement on an ongoing basis, as appropriate.
As part of our active ownership approach, we regularly engage with senior management, both formally and informally, and when questions or issues may arise. In all these interactions, we have an open and constructive dialogue to ensure that we have a proper understanding of how management teams manage corporate social responsibility, ensuring it is in a manner consistent with PSMAS’s core values.
PSMAS helped spruce up the centre and in the process put back the smile on the faces of 25 occupants currently housed at the institution. The Society assisted with sourcing funds for groceries, clothes, office and hostel sundries. PSMAS also assisted with renovations of floor tiles, roof ceiling, dining rooms, kitchen, walking pavements and repainted the centre.
In a bid to bring access to healthcare services to all its members, PSMAS assisted with the refurbishment of the presidential guard hospital covering the main hospital, the outpatient wing, consulting rooms, a pharmacy, a laboratory and optometry.
Donated an onsite fully equipped clinic aimed at providing healthcare services to JSC staff requiring treatment and medication. The clinic is also manned by a PSMAS employee.
The 4th Street Island maintenance takes a leaf from Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 11), supporting safe, resilient, and sustainable cities. Based on this goal, PSMAS has taken it upon itself to adopt and maintain a Municipality island along 4th Street, between George Silundika and Jason Moyo streets.
PSMAS donated PPE, Essential Drugs and Sunscreen Lotions for people living with albinism.
In support of Government’s Policy on strengthening primary healthcare, PSMAS partnered with the Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ), through donating a consignment of medical equipment and sundries to Neromwe clinic in Chiredzi. The clinic was built by the Neromwe community with assistance from AFZ.